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What is this? Where am I? And other questions you might be asking.

Hello and welcome to Diconjura: The Second Age of Magic!

This is an independent art project started in 2019, by yours truly, Morgan Pennington. This is a webcomic.

This is a story about a girl who lives in a futuristic Earth-like world where people have magic talents and technology. She has two magic talents. Because of this, some people want to use her for evil. This is the story of her life, her magic, and her fighting the against her adversaries.

There's magic and there's scifi and there's some mafia stuff and there's a made-up race of people and it's kinda dark, so if ya like all that, hang out for a while.

I am currently working on the prologue, and have been working on the prologue since 2019. It is just me. I do everything, all the steps are done by me alone, so that is why I take forever to update.

I don't have much time to dedicate to this project, and I'm a perfectionist, but as I've said before, and I'll say it again: I'll come back to it. Heck, I made a URL, I leased it from the internet, I've got to come back to it.

Thanks for reading! Hope this helps. Enjoy!

November 21, 2023

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