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Ahoy! Welcome to Announcements!

This is the page where I make announcements about updates and hiatuses and other relevant information.

I'm Still Chugging

November, 21, 2023

Well, so I'm in Japan.

Which, despite the contrary, means I have an update for y'all.

First, I was way more burnt out than I thought I was. Second, I'm still not giving up on this project and whenever that thought crosses my mind, it makes me intensely sad, so you know that means I can't give up.

Uh, so, yeah, I'm going to update with some new pages tonight.

I don't think I will ever have a reliable posting schedule (at least for the foreseeable future, but who's to say with that darn future anyway?)

Alright, uhm favorite song right now: it's kind of old, but has been stuck in my head on and off and I always jam hard to it: Lo-Fi Children by Wild Party.

Thanks for stopping by! Love ya!


Hiatus Continued

January 21, 2023


Another year, another hiatus.

Welcome, welcome. It's now 2023 and I am still in college. Joy of joys, it's really not that bad, but it does consume all of my free time. 

I had some reflections to share, and well I like to ramble so here they are.

I have updated part 4 of the prologue. I've given you three more pages. But this update, just like the last will soon fall into the depths of our memories as just another voice of a ghost from the past. I was thinking, in December, when I had time off from school and when I had time to work on the pages, that I while pushing myself, while challenging myself, wouldn't you know it, I find myself challenged. I want to do all these cool shots as I see them in my mind, but I struggle to reproduce those shots in the physical world. Which leads me to struggling through the sketching portion. I will obviously not cease in doing this, but it is just something that makes for *challenging* work. 

I am taking three studio classes this semester, as well as I have the BFA application and the Kobe College Application both due in March so I am already very busy with all that. Additionally, I am president of the Ceramics Guild and will be going to the Japanese club. My plate is quite full so please do not expect much from me, and you most likely won't see an update until the summer.

Anyways, I'm still here and still doing this and it is still just me working on the pages. The going is slow, but its nice to have a long project to which I can return whenever and feel no pressure to crank it out when it is not ready. It's nice to have something that can take as long as it needs to to be ready.

Well, salutations for now. Enjoy those three pages, read some good books, watch some anime, and eat your favorite food!

Love ya always,


PS My current listen is Yungblud. Just him in general, but especially ice cream man  :]



Hey hey hey.

I'm still not off hiatus, sorry guys.

Howmever, I have been able to work on some new pages, so as I promised, I WILL NOT abandon this project.

I'm in school right now (taking 20 credits) and working, so I don't have much time to dedicate to this project.

I would be further along on new pages, but I lost the cord for my light box when I moved in June. Or so I think that's when I lost it. I tried to order a new one from Amazon, but it didn't fit (which is BS bc it said in the description that the cord was supposedly compatible with the Huion A#3 light pad. It's not so don't be fooled.) So I had to order a replacement directly from the company and that took like half a month to get here, and school had started by then.

I continue to work on the story, and maybe I'll post what I call 'Loose Dialogues', which are just short scripts. Usally they're funny or they have a bit of information that I needed to record that is crucial to the plot. But if I do, understand that Loose Dialogues are subject to change at any point. Like what you read as a LD might be found later in the story, but it might not be quite exactly the same bc it didn't fit in the context or I wanted to change a line.

Anyway, I think that's all I have for now.

Thanks for your patience, and thanks for reading!


Official Hiatus! :(


Ahoy everyone!

Sorry for the exclamation points, I'm excited to make this an official announcement, but it is kind of a bummer. 

I am going on an official hiatus. Unfortunately, I don't know for how long. I'm currently back at college, so all my time is taken up by homework and the like.

I will continue to work on DTSAM, I guarantee you:


I won't be one of those that fades into the distant memory of the internet, known only to few. All this really means is that the next update (whenever it comes) will be much longer than my usual 1-3 page posts, so you can look forward to that!

SO that's that. I figured it'd been longer than my usual pauses, long enough that you all deserve an explanation.

PS you should check out the band Ghost. Currently in love with their new album IMPERA. This will date this post forever, lol

Bye for now, weebs, thanks for reading :)

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